Are you into the financial service industry? If yes, then SEO for the financial industry can prove to be a valuable technique, bringing in potential leads and driving more conversions. From website structure to its content, financial service industry SEO covers every aspect of your online presence. People tend to do more research when it comes to their finances. And they don’t trust every website in the process to do so. So every financial service/finance industry needs to represent themselves as a trustworthy and authentic source.

What is financial services SEO ?

SEO for the finance industry is a strategy where SEO helps customers find them and their websites in Google search result pages or SERP. We can also say that SEO for the finance industry helps your finance website get more leads and traffic organically. 

Also, to rank you have to share informational and useful content. Always remember to provide true information because even if any of your information is wrong, then visitors are most likely to never return to your finance website. 

Also, see that your website is user-friendly, has strong backlinks, and most importantly secure. As you are a financial service provider or belong to the finance industry where you give tips to people about where to invest their finances, you have to work a bit more compared to other websites. 

Further, you have to take full advantage of the Financial Services SEO strategies you are following along with everything you provide and your customer’s needs as you are asking or suggesting people to invest their money in a specific place.

Benefits of SEO For Finance Industry

Finance industry or financial service providers can have a great income if they spread their online presence all over the internet. Let’s just note down a few key benefits:

  • Your Finance website’s traffic will increase organically.
  • Your website will get better conversions.
  • Your brand will become reputed and will gain authority over other companies.

1. Your Finance website’s traffic will increase organically

If you continue to practice proper SEO strategies for your finance website, then you will get a huge amount of increased organic traffic on your website. 

When you rank higher after using the most targeted keywords, then people will see your website first on the Google search result pages and will go through your website.

2. Your Financial website will get better conversions

If 100 people visit your financial website and get impressed by it, then there are chances that 70 of them will turn into potential customers. 

Financial Service SEO works amazingly when it comes to converting traffic into sales as it only targets people who are genuinely interested in the service you provide. 

And by doing that it is not bringing users to your website who are just there to surf but they draw in potential clients who want to invest.

3. Your brand will become reputed

When people will see that your website is coming to the top of Google search result pages whenever they search for financial service providers, it will portray your financial company as a branded company that has been in business for a long time and eventually, trusted. 

Even when they search for financial services and your website’s suggestion comes into the drop-down list under the Google Search bar people tend to click on that without even thinking. 

When they do so they will visit your website and if your website provides them with what they have been searching for, then your brand will become more credible to them and it may help you in mouth-to-mouth marketing. 

As they might tell other people around them about your brand positively.

SEO challenges in Finance Industry/ Financial services

When we talk about SEO from the finance industry, it comes with its own set of challenges. Let’s talk about them:

  • Increasingly competitive landscape
  • Increased focus on SEO for lead generation
  • High topic complexity
  • You require Stricter content quality 

1. Increasingly competitive landscape

The Fintech and financial services industry is increasing everywhere. There are no signs of slowing down for anyone here. This sector is becoming too crowded. More and more small companies and financial service providers are entering the market. 

It’s also increasing because people are more into financial investment nowadays. So to meet the demand and also look into the current scenario everyone is coming up with financial services. 

To stand out in the crowd and be different from your rivals, it’s very important to create high-quality content. A content that people find truly helpful and meets their needs. In simple words, you need to create content that’s not just good but outstanding. Plus, it should directly address the specific needs of your target audience. 

2. Increased focus on SEO for lead generation

In this financial services or finance industry, SEO has become a very easy-to-practice method to gain leads, traffic, and sales. SEO has been used by very big companies in the finance industry. 

They have understood that SEO is really important to grow your website organically. So, as the big companies are stepping up with SEO then all the start-ups and smaller companies have to do the same things too. 

And there is only one reason – to stand out among others and be visible to the customers. 

3. High topic complexity

When it comes to choices like investing your savings or choosing the right plan to invest your finances, it can be tough and stressful. 

That’s why financial content needs to be more than just basic information; it has to be helpful to the customers and the information should be authentic. 

As a financial services provider, your SEO success depends on your skill to tackle complex topics that need a good grasp of the subject. 

Also, normal people usually have difficulty understanding complex topics so you have to be capable of making people understand complex topics in a very easy way.

4. You require stricter content quality 

Remember you are providing financial services to people. People won’t be wanting basic information only, they would be wanting helpful financial advice that they can use while investing.

So as a financial service provider, your work is to provide people with the best quality content so that they come back to you when they need more quality advice.

How to do SEO for Financial Services ?

Here are some financial industry SEO that you can implement in your online website:

  • Check your current Financial SEO practices
  • Do a content check for your financial service website.
  • Keyword research and planning for Financial SEO
  • Competitor Analysis in Financial Industry
  • Create financial content for your users
  • Technical SEO for Financial Service
  • Backlinking for Financial Industry SEO

Check your current Financial SEO practices

Your first step is to do a quick research. Tell how well your financial service website is doing in Search Engine right now. By doing this you will be able to understand your:

  • Impressions
  • Views
  • Clicks
  • Conversion rate, and other SEO metrics.

You will know what changes you need in your SEO strategies. 

Here are some relevant SEO tips for financial Industry:

  1. You can go through your entire website from part to part. See how it is optimized. 
  2. But if you want to save time there are a few tools like SEO checkers. It will check your website and automatically tell you which part of your website needs work.

Content check for your financial service website.

The next thing to do is check all the content materials you’ve already put on your website. Focus on the important pages that provide content that can impact people’s lives, like finance pages.

For this, ask yourself:

  1. Are they really helpful to the customers and have enough info?
  2. Are they up to date? For example: If the blog is about financial services like investing in stocks, then make sure it is updated and abiding by the new finance laws etc
  3. Are they easy to read and understand?
  4. Do they have catchy titles and descriptions that show up on Google?
  5. Is there the same content on different web pages?

You should always start with fixing things rather than implementing new strategies immediately. First, fix the things you have already got. It also doesn’t take much effort and also renews your websites at once.

Keyword research and planning for Financial Service SEO

After you are done with your old content renewal. Then start researching the new topics you can talk about in your blogs. To do that you have to first find out what people want. What topics are they searching for?

For this, look for topics and words that:

  1. People are searching on the Google Search
  2. Go to the end of the Search engine result page, you will find suggestions of the topics you could write about.
  3. Keyword research and planning for Financial Service SEOWrite on those topics you have complete knowledge about, as you have heard that “half knowledge is much more dangerous than knowing nothing”

When you do this keyword research for the financial industry, think about why people are searching for these words. Are they comparing things? Are they thinking about buying something specific such as a stock? Or are they just trying to learn about the financial world or financial jargon such as equity or net worth?

This keyword research will guide the rest of your plan to improve your site’s position in search results.

Here are some financial industry keywords you can use in your content. We have listed down some keywords and their volume, which means how much they are being used.

  • financial analyst industry – LOW 
  • finance automotive – MEDIUM 
  • automotive business loan – MEDIUM 
  • DJIA yahoo – LOW 
  • dji yahoo finance – LOW 
  • djia yahoo finance – LOW 
  • finance service industry – LOW 
  • dow jones yahoo finance – LOW 
  • project finance industry – LOW 
  • micro financing industry – LOW 
  • finance industry – LOW 
  • banking & financial – LOW 
  • industry and finance – LOW 
  • financial industry sectors – LOW 
  • finance goodwill – LOW 
  • real estate business loan – LOW
  • finance field – LOW
  • financial institutes – LOW

Competitor Analysis in Financial Industry

Now, let’s talk about checking out your competition or rivals in the finance industry.

First, find out about all your competitors. They might not be exact copies of your business, but they might provide the same content you provide. 

And once you have known your rivals, analyze their website properly. Note things like: 

  • What they’re good at and where they could do better.
  • Compare your content with theirs on specific topics and see what you can improve.
  • Find any areas where they aren’t covering stuff that people search for. Maybe there are words people use to search that your competition isn’t using, and you can use them to get more visitors.

Here is a traffic estimate of

Here is a traffic estimate of

Create financial content for your users

You surely have financial services related content on your website, service costs, and many other things. But to practice SEO in a better way, it would be smart if you include informational blogs. Make your content not only about selling, but also about helping customers. Create content that people find helpful.

Financial stuff can be confusing for most people, so they often look for advice. When you help them with their questions, it also makes your website do better in search engines.

Here’s why focusing on educational content is a good idea:

  • It helps Google understand and rank your site better for related searches.
  • It shows you know a lot about financial services, making your website look like an expert.
  • You’re more likely to get links from other websites because they like to link to helpful educational stuff, not just sales pages.
  • By giving people useful info upfront, it’s easier to turn them into potential customers later on.

A few blog topics ideas for financial industry you can focus on are: 

  • 5 finance tips for beginners
  • Money management tips for beginners
  • Financial tips for adults
  • Money management tips for students
  • Personal money management tips
  • 15 proven financial tips
  • Financial tips ro 2023
  • Financial Tips for young adults
  • College students’ financial problems

Technical SEO for Finance Industry

Website speed and mobile optimization: When people visit your website they come there to find some advice or useful information. If your website is slow they will not wait for it to load or go through it with patience. They will simply leave your website. Probably, they will move on to the next one.

So, it’s important to fix any slow pages on your site. Find the issues that make the whole site slow down.

Here are relevant SEO tips for financial industry:

  1. Try to use compressed images because that is the one of the main reasons for your website to get slow. Using HD-quality images can make your whole website slower.
  2. Also, make sure that your website gets aligned well on mobile phones too because most of the people who surf on the internet use their mobile phones to do so.

Google cares about how fast your site is. Or if it works well on mobile or not. So, it’s important for SEO and to make your visitors happy.

Backlinking for Financial Industry SEO:

Backlinks are yet another powerful SEO ranking factor when it comes to your online presence. Basically, they are like a vote of confidence given to you by other websites. It tells Google that you are not a fraud and offer quality content or service which other people want to read or purchase. So, invest in building a quality backlink profile for your financial service website. 

Backlinking for Financial Industry SEO:

Here are relevant SEO tips for financial industry:

1. Write guest posts on other websites. While choosing website for guest posting, look at the following factors:

  • Their domain authority: It should be high.
  • The type of content they post: It should be relevant.

2. Find broken links on other websites(looking at the same criteria given above). Write quality content on those broken links anchor text topic and submit it to the website owner.

All these strategies we have mentioned can help grow your finance website. And let’s not forget that this finance industry is a bit different from random businesses. People’s money is involved here, so any information you provide on your website, double-check that that piece of information is authentic and truthful.