SEO for YouTube channel: Optimize Videos To Get Maximum Traffic

SEO for YouTube Channel: It’s hard to overstate YouTube’s role in our cultural ecosystem. More than 500 hours of content are uploaded to the platform every minute, meaning there is something for everyone. And if that number made you blink, there are plenty of YouTube stats that came from it.

Nearly a quarter of the world’s population accesses YouTube, with two billion monthly users. YouTube has a wide range of users and it’s best to assume that your business might be able to connect with your target audience. India has about 467 million active YouTube users, making it the largest audience for the network in any country.

High-speed internet became a big business in India in 2016, and internet usage has been on the rise there ever since. Almost 77% of internet users aged 15-35 are on YouTube, 73% of users aged 36-45, 70% of users aged 46-55 and 67% of users aged 56+.

SEO for Youtube Channel: YouTube Growing Popularity

YouTube’s popularity with Gen Z is understandable; They came of age alongside the network and its best performers, like Emma Chamberlain and David Dobrick. In addition to entertainment, research shows that Gen Z is also turning to YouTube as an educational tool. About 53.9% of YouTube users are male and 46.1% are female. Alphabet, Inc. has cornered the search market. YouTube is the second largest search engine in the world behind Google, generating more search queries than Bing, Yahoo, AOL, and Ask combined.

This shows how important YouTube SEO is because the platform is also a video and text search tool. Popular Turkish television series Duy Beni reached the third highest position in the top global YouTube searches for 2022, making it the most searched TV series of the year on the platform

The top five global YouTube searches of all time are “Minecraft”, “TikTok”, “comedy”, “tik tok” and “ASMR”. 

YouTube has grown rapidly since its inception in 2005. Considering that the video platform was originally intended as a niche dating site, its exciting expansion and use as a video juggernaut is nothing short of spectacular. It’s amazing. Let’s look at a few statistics and see how much growth it’s been able to make in the last 17 years.

YouTube is the second most visited website in the world behind only Google. This means that audiences are more likely to turn to YouTube for everything from entertainment to how-to videos. Another great statistic that shows a wide variety of users is that YouTube’s video platform is available in more than 100 countries and is available locally in 80 different languages

You can diversify demographics and even publish video content in different languages ​​to highlight an international marketing strategy.

Don’t get lost in the noise. With over 500 hours of video uploaded to YouTube every minute, you need a way to ensure your video gets seen.

Plan a focus keyword, strategically craft your video title and description, and don’t forget search optimization. You can also add hashtags to your YouTube video content to indicate what topics your video is about.

More than 51 million YouTube channels have been created, up 36% last year.

Of those 51 million+ channels, 306,000 YouTube channels have over 100,000 million subscribers, 29,000 YouTube channels have over 1 million subscribers, and 700 YouTube channels have over 10 million subscribers

YouTube Stories, the platform’s answer to ephemeral content, was released in November 2017. So far, 22% of marketers have integrated YouTube Stories into their systems

SEO for Youtube Channel: YouTube Growing Popularity

Unlike Instagram or Facebook Stories, YouTube Stories expire after seven days as opposed to 24 hours. If you want to test the product, we recommend using it as a promotional tool for recent additions. Let your followers see what to expect from your latest video so they can decide if they want to see more.

You can think of YouTube SEO as the backbone of a successful YouTube strategy. No matter how interesting a video is, chances are it won’t work well if it’s not done right.

There are ways to get YouTube views outside of YouTube SEO, but they are temporary. For example, you can share your video on social media platforms and get a few hundred views, but that’s it. Because social media posts have a display life, they will freeze, freezing your external YouTube views.

Sharing your YouTube SEO videos on social media should only be used to enhance your videos, not as a main viewing aid. The primary source should always be YouTube search results or suggested videos.

The point is that if you use any other method outside of YouTube SEO, it will stop working after a certain amount of time, say 2-4 days depending on how you promote it. That said, your videos don’t get any footage, and this is something you want to avoid, right? Right.

How to optimize the youtube SEO ?

Here we will see some of the important portions of YouTube optimization.

Let’s get into the foremost initial step which is keyword research. 

Keyword research and Planning for Youtube Channel

To make a successful strategy for YouTube SEO, keyword research is important to target the right keyword for the YouTube video. 

YouTube keyword tools will help you in finding the best outcomes for your video. The best part of these tools is that you will come across thousands of keywords you might have not thought about.

Let’s suppose you want to shoot a video on the stock market. Go to and insert “Stock market”. Also, make sure to select the country and language you are targeting. 

Keyword research and Planning for Youtube Channel

The result will give 1000 keywords where the average competition is 45, and the search volume is over 10 million, so this is high. But since this topic is so general, try to be more narrow and specific. 

Therefore, try to use long-tailed keywords which are very close to the niche of the market. The stock market is a general term. Once you scroll down, you’ll come across a list of keyword ideas like this. If you need more keywords accessible to you, it requires the keyword tool pro membership. If you are fresher to this zone, try the free tools like the ubersuggest and many more. Once to become a pro try to go with the pro membership. 

 In the above column, you will also go through the low-difficulty keywords and high-difficulty keywords. It is easy to go with the low-difficulty keywords. However, the search is quite low as well the competition is too low and your content can be accessed by the audience.  Make a list of all the relevant keywords, try to mention them in your description, title, and tags, and level up your SEO game. 

Optimize video file’s name

This one thing is usually overlooked by most people. This is one of the factors that contribute to YouTube SEO. Make sure to change the file name before uploading it to YouTube. For example: instead of using the random strings of the letter, change your file name to the StockMarketTips.mp4. YouTube is smart enough to read the name of your file and see if there are keywords present or not. This will increase the chance of ranking your video.

Add keyword in your title

Do you remember the above discussion about Keyword research.?  This will help in the title also. The most high-priority keyword that you need to rank should be present in the title tag. This is most important. YouTube usually allows up to 110 characters in your title tag. You can easily add two phrases to your title tag. But try to avoid keyword stuffing. Unnecessary keywords can mislead the SEO operation. Your title must sound natural and engaging for a user to achieve a greater number of clicks.  

Optimise Youtube Video Description

Most people often tend to get lazy in this section. But this can also be a game changer for you. These small parts can optimize your content and small steps create huge differences. If you check out some of the most reputed YouTube channels, you will be able to differentiate between the high-rank channels and the lower ones. They often use important keywords as well as hashtags in their description box. Hashtags can’t be overlooked. The right hashtags can bring many views, especially when it comes to trending videos. It will increase your reach and is valuable, make sure to mention it in the description. Also the first three hashtags are considered in priority.

Meta tags for Youtube SEO: 

Anything you will miss in the title, hashtags, or description box, you can tag in the Meta tag. 500 words are allowed in the meta tag field. Enter the most relevant keywords first for cracking up to a notch. 

If you are trying to mislead YouTube by adding a competitor’s name in the tags to rank high, your channel may be banned and you will be penalized. So avoid such practices.

Use SEO friendly Captions for Youtube Videos: 

Use the caption to boost your YouTube SEO as keywords will be present over there. Youtube can read the closed caption. It has some extra lines that are not too much considered by some creators. 

Those lines add additional relevance to your video. Youtube video precisely knows what you are talking about in the video. Hence it bumps up in the search results. 

Using Clear SEO CTA:

It would be best to add CTA at the end of your video. It is mostly added to ask your viewers to subscribe to the channel, like it, and follow you on social media like Instagram and Twitter. It will redirect the viewer to the website for a product you want to sell. 

CTA’s can be in the form present in the description or the comment pinned option. It can also be at the end of the video. 

Improve video Quality for better SEO ranking:

Improving video quality will make a huge gap. video quality mainly focuses on the lighting effects and the sound effects. A quality video ensures the viewer stays around for a long time which increases your watch time and retention rate for the video. This factor significantly affects ranking purposes. Youtube algorithm is also accounted for for ranking purposes. Properly delivered content might increase your subscriber and is a good sign for your channel. 

Create a thumbnail: 

Never go with the youtube automatically set thumbnail. They usually have low resolution and don’t contain the right sight to attract the clicks. Go the extra mile and create your own visually appealing thumbnail to attract your audience. Good CTR indicates the symbol of success. People are interested in watching your videos. YouTube naturally bumps it up as people want to stay on the platform. 

Create a thumbnail:

Share your Youtube video on social media: 

Social media will give your video a headstart in getting views. The first few hours will play a crucial role in deciding whether they will stay on it or not. Social media promotes YouTube videos in the form of shorts or small glimpses.  You have to target various platforms rather than be stuck only on YouTube. This is the only way to reach your audience otherwise you wouldn’t be able to. This will ultimately increase your subscriber. 

You can make a Facebook group and post your video in niche Facebook groups and get thousands of impressions.

Add community Posts for higher engagement:

It is a great way to interact with your viewers and update them about upcoming videos or events. You can also share your new video links in the community post. Engagement is the most important factor for online platforms.

Create multiple YouTube playlists:

They are a great way to increase the watch time and viewer attention. Make sure you have to cover one topic and add a playlist on that same topic. Mismatched video won’t be helpful to you as well as YouTube SEO. 

Just consider an example, you have a YouTube channel based on cooking, you could share different food recipes like lunch specials, dinner specials, and so on. So make sure the videos are a complement to each other. 

Overnight success doesn’t work. Everything needs time. It’s important to experience and try different things with the strategy so it will work best for you. 

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