App Store SEO: A Complete SEO Guide for Better Ranking

It is great to have a mobile application, isn’t it? It additionally acts as a further benefit for the business you run. Maybe as a result of these programs’ ability to:

  • Make you money
  • Let you connect with users
  • Get more people to know about your brand.

What Is App Store Optimization ?

App store optimization is a way to make your app store and apps rank the highest so that users searching for our app or a related app, then the first thing that comes up to them is your app. 

ASO, occasionally referred to as application search optimization, app store SEO, or ASO marketing, has become an ongoing method to enhance consumer engagement, raise brand awareness, and get valuable feedback and assessments while also growing app downloads.

The primary platforms for ASO are the Apple App Store and Google Play, although other app stores like the Amazon App Store, Samsung Galaxy Store, and Huawei AppGallery also provide opportunities for optimization.

Within the realm of ASO, various elements come into play, each serving as a lever to enhance your app’s appeal. These include refining the app name or title, optimizing keywords for search, crafting an engaging app description, showcasing the number of downloads, cultivating positive ratings and reviews, and maintaining a regular update schedule.

In essence, ASO is akin to crafting a captivating visual identity for your app in the competitive app store landscape, ensuring it not only attracts attention but also resonates positively with users, fostering a sustained presence and growth in the app ecosystem.

Why Is App Store Optimisation Important ?

App Store Optimization (ASO) emerges as a pivotal force because it empowers you to wield control over your app’s visibility and discoverability within the fiercely competitive landscape of app stores.

Consider this: an impressive 82% of users stumble upon new apps either while casually browsing through app stores or by heeding the recommendations curated by the app stores themselves. The journey of most users towards downloading an app commences with what captures their attention in an app store.

Now, picture the challenge at hand: a staggering pool of over 5 million apps vying for attention in the combined realms of the Apple App Store and Google Play. In this expansive digital marketplace, standing out becomes akin to locating a needle in a haystack.

In the absence of a strategic approach like app store optimization, your app’s fate hinges on the whims of the app store’s search engine and a stroke of luck. It’s probably like placing the destiny of your app in a lottery where the odds are stacked against you.

This underscores the importance of continuous ASO, akin to endowing your app with a perpetual superhero cape, ensuring its triumphant journey within its most crucial marketing arena – the app store. Far from a one-time effort, ASO represents an ongoing commitment to not only secure your app’s survival but to facilitate its flourishing amidst the vast expanse of the app universe.

Apple App Store vs. Google Play

Similar to two separate individuals, the Apple App Store and Google Play have a few same characteristics but also differ greatly in the manner in which they can affect how you sell your app.

First of all, before permitting your app to join the group, both locations want to review it. 

However, the process of verifying can take a long time, so it is wiser to submit your apps for review at least a few weeks before so that it does not hamper your app launching schedule. The time of verification depends on the complexity of your app.

Now, a few things are specific to every location. The Apple App Store has two cool things called the keywords field and the subtitle, which Google Play doesn’t have. However, the Google Play store lacks what Apple does, which is an overview field.

Each place has a unique particular set of guidelines when it has to do with selecting which apps get more attention. The points that follow are the primary criteria that the app store operated by Apple looks for in iOS apps:

  1. App name
  2. App subtitle
  3. App URL
  4. Keywords
  5. How many people download and use the app
  6. What users say in reviews
  7. How often the app gets updated
  8. What’s written about in-app purchases

Understanding these differences is like speaking the language of each party, making sure your efforts to get noticed work just right for each place.

Google Play Store Ranking Factors

Google Play has a unique set of rules that it uses to determine which apps get more attention. Let’s get started by breaking down the primary issues they take into account:

  1. App title: This is like the name tag for your app. It’s the first thing people see, so it’s important to make it catchy and relevant.
  2. App short description: Think of this as a quick teaser about what your app does. It’s a brief and snappy intro to grab people’s interest.
  3. App long description: Here’s where you can dive into more details about your app.
  4. Reviews and ratings: What users say about your app matters. Good reviews and high ratings can make your app more appealing to others.
  5. In-app purchase titles and descriptions: If your app has extra stuff that users can buy, like special features or content, Google Play looks at how you present these in the app.
  6. App updates: Keeping your app fresh with regular updates shows that you’re actively working to make it better. It’s like adding new chapters to a book.

Understanding these factors is like knowing the special criteria for being the life of the party in the Google Play world. It helps you tailor your efforts to make your app shine in the crowd.

ASO Keyword Research

Creating a strong ASO (App Store Optimization) plan starts with something important: keyword research.

This is important because the application store searches for applications that include the phrases that users enter when they go to look for them.

It is wise to use these search terms throughout different app information parts, including the name, web address, and description, to help your app stand out.

But there’s an important step you have to take before you start: research and detect the right search terms. It’s like selecting the most suitable phrases for attracting people to the app.

What Is ASO Keyword Research ?

ASO keyword research involves exploring, gathering, and studying words or phrases that are connected to your app and can boost its visibility.

Quick note: A keyword is what users type in the search bar to find apps. These can also be called search terms or search queries.

Why are keywords a big deal in ASO? They nevertheless offer you details on what users have been looking for and the specific phrases they use when searching for it.

After carrying out thorough research, you can modify your app store page so that it better meets the requirements consumers have by matching what they have been searching for.

How to Do ASO Keyword Research ?

When diving into ASO keyword research, begin by jotting down words or phrases that describe what your app does.

Next, feed these words and phrases into the Keyword Magic Tool. This tool not only gives you fresh keyword ideas but also shares details about how often people search for them and how tough the competition is.

While these keywords are tailored for Google web searches, they give a good sense of what folks are seeking. Start with general terms that sum up your app, and try out the “Broad Match” feature for even more ideas.

For instance, let’s say you have an invoicing app. You might kick off with a search for “invoice” in the Keyword Magic Tool.

When you use the “Broad Match” feature, it gives you more words related to your main one. In our example, the term “invoice generator” stands out because lots of people search for it.

You can also mix words to get more people interested. For instance, bringing together the terms “bills maker” and “bills template,” which are commonly searched for, might end up in an identity for our mobile application that is identical to “bills generator & a template.”

The issue is that, though a title like this could motivate more users to go ahead and download the app, it additionally raises competition. Thus, you have to maintain an appropriate balance between using popular terms and reducing too much competition.

For our made-up invoicing app, a good name might be something like “invoice maker & software.” These words are not as popular, but they also don’t have as much competition, making it easier for our app to show up higher in searches.\

Try ASO Keyword Research Tools

These dedicated tools furnish precise keyword data tailored to your chosen app store, offering deeper insights into user search patterns. Moreover, these platforms often feature functionality for tracking keywords.

Among the alternative ASO keyword research tools are:

  1. Mobile Action
  2. Sensor Tower

Some keywords are the best to optimize your app store:

Try ASO Keyword Research Tools

App Store SEO: Analyze the Competition

Just like with other ways of promoting things, making your app stand out in the app store involves checking out what others are doing.

When you look at your competition, it’s important to see what keywords they use on their app store pages. This helps you figure out the right keywords for your app.

Knowing what words your rivals use can give you good ideas for your app’s optimization.

Start by typing the keywords you found into the app store search. See which apps show up at the top. Pay attention to how these applications use keywords in various parts of the app store pages, including the descriptions and the names.

This kind of study is very helpful, especially at the initial stages.

You can utilize particular tools like Mobile App Insights to obtain a closer look at what the other companies are doing.

With Mobile App Insights, you can monitor your competitors’ keywords, track their rankings, and even monitor how many downloads their apps are getting.

How to optimize SEO for the App Store ?

Here are  the relevant SEO tips for app store:

    1. Optimize App Title and Subtitle:
      • Your app title is crucial, as it’s the first thing users see in search results.
      • Keep it under 30 characters and use keywords naturally for better rankings.
      • Test different titles regularly to find the most effective one.
    2. Add Keywords (Apple App Store Only):
      • Apple allows up to 100 characters for keywords.
      • Be creative and test various keywords to strike a balance between competition and downloads.
      • Avoid repeating words or phrases to maximize the effectiveness of the keywords field.
    3. Write Engaging App Descriptions:
      • Google Play uses both short and long descriptions for ranking.
      • Apple relies on a 4,000-character-long description for user perception.
      • Integrate keywords naturally and spend time crafting a compelling description to boost downloads.
    4. Add Compelling Visual Elements:
      • Use screenshots and videos to showcase your app’s functionality and value.
      • Follow guidelines for the number of visuals allowed and ensure they represent the user experience.
      • Leverage a captivating video preview to stand out from the competition.
    5. Encourage Reviews and Ratings:
      • Ratings and reviews impact your app’s visibility and popularity.
      • Prompt users for feedback strategically to avoid negative reviews.
      • High ratings enhance your app’s relevance and likelihood of appearing at the top of search results.

6. Social media marketing

You can also take the help of the various social media platforms to promote your app. It includes good interaction with your audience who almighty be interested in your app. It also includes promoting it through the pages of various influencers or famous personalities. You can also offer special discount offers for consumers so that they get lured to your offer and search for your app and download it. If your app is free then you can try to attract customers by presenting the amazing visuals of your app.

In conclusion, if you have an app store, you might want to opt for multiple SEO strategies that could help you with your app store optimization.

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